Complementary medicine
There is an increased interest in alternative or complementary medicine devices and to go naturally for health and wellness. Also new terms such as biohacking becomes familiar and this is a big market
Examples for Complementary medicine :
Traditional alternative medicine: Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Chinese or Oriental medicine
Body: Chiropractic and osteopathic medicine, Massage, Body movement therapies, Tai chi, Yoga,
Diet and herbs: Dietary supplements, Herbal medicine, Nutrition/diet
External energy: Electromagnetic therapy, Reiki, Qigong
Mind.: Meditation, Biofeedback, Hypnosis
Senses.: Art, dance, and music, Visualization and guided imagery
Examples of alternative medicine devices
Massagers, ultrasound and shortwave, electrical stimuli and more
Singlet oxygen devices for air treatment are simulating the forest's air. Singlet oxygen is produced in leaves by interaction of molecular oxygen with triplet state chlorophyll, which is formed under conditions of excessive excitation. Forest has positive effect on health; the body receives forest's air better and has an effect on activity, vitality and health in general.
These devices include SoeMac and z Medic Air
Air treatment devices to stimulate the fourth phase of water (known as easy water ez-water exclusion zone water or alternatively known as structured water). The Nano's NAnoVi devices are with a patented technology and produces bioidentical signal similar to the one produced by the body and it is transmitted to the body through the respiratory system (normal breath) naturally and without chemicals.
Free radicals & Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced as a normal product of cellular metabolism, this can damage lipid, DNA, RNA, and proteins, which contributes to the oxidative stress and to the physiology of aging.
Eng3’s patented NanoVi™ technology produces the same biological signal your body makes to repair cell damage brought on by free radicals (also known as reactive oxygen species or ROS).
Body produces naturally a signal for the occurrence of the phenomenon of ez-water (structured water). The process depends on the reactive oxygen which is the results from the metabolism. This is an essential process for regeneration and cells repair, and for the 3D folding of proteins. All this affects the body's immunity and vitality.
We can work to strengthen immune system, increase vitality, and slow the aging process by:
1- Reduce the free radicals and its effect.
2- Increase regeneration and cells repair; this is what our devices do
Soemac - ZMedic Air - NanoVi
Benifits noted by the users of our devices
Easier breathing
Better sleep
More energy
Improve physical performance
Improve lung function
Improve blood oxygen levels
Reduce breathlessness
Reduce blood pressure
Improve sleep
Improve Quality of Life
Protection Against & Repair of Free Radical Damage
Addresses Adverse Effects of Aging
Balances Immune System Function
Utilization of Oxygen & Nutrients
Promotes Cellular Activities (Energy Production & Detoxification
Testimonials from users shows a wide range of benefits they feel it